Sweet Victory

A week ago Mr. PM gave the team a sweet unusual deal. He showed us an article entitled "The 10 Best Desserts in Manila". The dare is to finish all the 70+ defects before the end of the month then we'll have our choice of two of those spoiled desserts... not bad motivation for the team, huh? The catch though is that we still have 50 more defects to fix and only five days left to finish... damn, pressure ito! And if we didn't finish it on time we'll have a chewing gum as a consolation, duh! And so the race began as cravings set in.

Today is the deadline and apparently we didn't make it to the deadline, coz... we wrapped up all the defects the day prior to the deadline, woohoo! The pressure and hard work paid off, a sweet victory indeed! And our choice of desserts -- Mango Torte and Chocolate Oblivion, yummy! (sayang yung isa kong gusto -- strawberry shortcake, hehehe)

mango torte oblivion

And as we enter a new fiscal year we will also start the development for the next release. Development as in from the scratch, exciting yet scary!... so this is where the real pressure comes in, yikes! Looking forward to have a good experience :-)


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