Homme Improvement

Im still wondering what will be my 'resolutions' for self-improvement and career advancement in the year of the 2005ter. Well, here is the partial list of one of the many things that I need to improve and achieve:

[1] Professionalism - no more childish and bratinella acts on and even off work. (huhuhu! i gonna miss being bratinella)

[2] Maturity - you are now turning 20 this year... meaning your not anymore teen so try to elevate your attitude and mind on higher ground.

[3] Punctuality - I promise that I wont be late in any meetings or in any timed-situations. And be more aware of the time and value every second of it. (note: the word promise in my voc means 'trying or to try to', hehehe).

[4] Hardworking - menos indolente!, work... work... work (that's the spirit)

[5] Thrifty - less expenditures and lots of savings (oh my gosh, I hope I can do this thing. parusa na toh hindi na toh resolution ha!)

[6] Practicality - thrifty always comes with practicality, so think before buying! (always consider the specs, functionality, quality, most especially the price and essentiality)

[7] Stay Humble

[8] Stay Simple

[9] Straight-forward - go straight to the point. Say what you really mean.

[10] Honesty - truth ludwic... just truth no more make-stories and lies and always be true to yourself and to others.

[11] Be informative - read more! always update yourself on current events, news and expecially on technology(forte mo yan kaya dapat updated ka!)

[12] Be charitable - reach out ludwick! be generous to share your gifts and blessings to others.

[] any more suggestions?...

'hope this isn't just words written but words take into actions'


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