
The Dark Side 4.21

Truly is the force is in me this weekend, I may say. Absolutely everything is about Star Wars!

I woke up at 9 in the morning to watch a 3-hour marathon of Star Wars: Clone Wars the animated series on Cartoon Network. FYI: friend G.L. did the animated series after he made the last prequel of Star Wars which ironically isnt the last installment.

After watching, I did some laundry and went off to the office to do some little work. But apparently the database was temporarily unavailable without any notice so I cant connect... obviously I have nothing to worked on. So I decided to pamper myself, after all its weekend. I drove myself off to the mall just a station away from my workplace. And then I went to this boutique that sells Star Wars shirts... well I cant help myself but to buy one... I mean two (hehe).

And since I havent watched The Revenge of the Sith since its world premiere last Thursday, I decided to watch it now, so I headed towards the movie house to buy ticket (first time to watch a movie in a foreign land). The movie house is fine... nothing unusual. just like Greenbelt 3, where you can choose your own seat blah blah blah... I think the only unusual to 'me' is the price, quite a bit expensive - 45 bucks (P315). And this is the stupidity part, after I got my ticket I rushed to the snack house to buy a medium butter popcorn and a lemon coke and headed straight to the movie house but the ticket girl didnt let me in coz... Im too early for the 6:20 showing (I remember hindi nga pala ito SM, oops... wrong move!). Anyway the movie started at around half past six and ended at 9. It was a memorable experience watching the last Star Wars movie in foreign land!

Phantom Menace 4.22

If yesterday the force is in me, today the force is up to me. By force I mean police and security force... hahaha. Just another stupid act, I forgot to deactivate the security alarm before I enter the office, and the result is complete chaos! I called two of my managers to back me up and two colleagues called me back to know my pathetic condition. Hehehe scary but nevertheless challenging - answering their too-much-interrogative questions and convincing the guards and police that Im not breaking in and Im a bona fide worker of that company and keep telling them over and over again that I just forgot to turn off the fcuking damn alarm (err!). Eventually they got off with me, whew!

Anyway... there's this channel that features the five episodes of Star Wars every Sunday. So far Ive seen the first three episodes I, II (last two Sundays) and III (yesterday). And today Ive watched the forth one, A New Hope, which Ive never seen before, actually. And I have to give Lucas a credit on his first masterpiece, visual effects -- not bad considering that it was created in 1977. I anticipate finishing the complete saga before I rolled off from the project.

with you may the force be... everwhat!


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